You can access properties for your printer from here by clicking the “Printer Properties” link. If you also know you will be printing the PDF file on your own printer most of the time, leave the “Only show options that are compatible with my printer” option selected to get the best results. On the Print Settings dialog box, you can choose to sharpen the images for printing, if you know the PDF file will be printed.
We’ll show you how to fix that a bit later in this article. NOTE: The images may look cut off, but don’t worry. Click the “Options” link in the lower-right corner of the dialog box to access additional options for the PDF file. Use the right and left arrow button below the image to scroll through the images that will be added to the PDF file. Then, continue with the process from here. If you don’t see that option in the list, see the next section for information on activating it.
Select “Microsoft Print to PDF” from the “Printer” drop-down list.